Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Missy's Music

                                                                             Missy’s Music
                                             by Ellen Resnick
                                          (250-word essay submitted to Joga Journal for "Yoga Diary" section)

It was my first yoga class with Missy, and as I entered the large, well-lit gymnasium at the Naples recreation center, I felt disoriented: I’m a snowbird, used to taking classes up north in an intimate studio with lit candles and burning incense. Unrolling my mat, I reminded myself that where I practiced yoga was not as important as being present and trying my best.

But then Missy bounded in and set up her sound system. As we settled into Child’s Pose, she turned the switch and rock music exploded into the gym. For the next hour, I struggled through my Vinyasa practice to the tunes of Red Hot Chili Peppers and MCYogi. Didn’t Missy understand that we were there not only for the physical benefits, but also to escape the sensory overload of everyday life? I yearned for my New Jersey class, where the only sounds were the teacher’s gentle voice guiding us through poses; the Tibetan singing bowl rousing us from Shavasana; and the final collective “Om.”

Despite my initial dismay over Missy’s music, I continued to attend her classes. Over time, Missy’s upbeat teaching style helped me push aside my judgments, and I began to appreciate and even jive to her music. Now, you’ll often find me swaying my hips during Chair Pose or humming in Side Angle Pose. Missy’s music has added energy and playfulness to my yoga practice that I would never have expected. Rock on, Missy! Teach to the beat of your own drum.

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